
Cornell University

Computer Science in the College of Engineering w/ minor in Business '25

Teaching Assistant

Leadership TA for CS 1110: Intro to Computing using Python (Jan '23 - PRESENT)


Software Development Summer Analyst for Summer 2024

Progamming Languages

Python, Java, OCaml, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL


Tools: Git, Figma, Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite

Languages: Fluent in English and Spanish

Projects & Leadership

Ludo Game OCaml Team Project

Led a team of 4 to develop a 4-player game modeled after the game Ludo using OCaml during the semester; Designed the structure and functionality of the game and coordinated the development and quality testing of the program


Instagram Communities

Used user research and product development principles to create a new feature for an Instagram people problem; Published a case study outlining my work and design process for my finished feature

Medium Article

Mentorship Chair for Underrepresented Minorities in Computing Executive Board

Bring together underclassman mentees and upperclassmen mentors from diverse backgrounds to facilitate personal, professional, and academic growth with the guidance and support of their mentors; Organize and execute events and activities to foster deeper connections between metnees and their mentors as part of the Executive Board

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Treasurer for Cornell Women's Rugby Team

Efficiently manage team finances, maintaining accurate records of income and expenses while developing a budget; Implement effective fundraising strategies, increasing available funds for team travel, lodging, tournaments, and equipment

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About Me!

Here are some of my other interests


For the past two summers, I have worked as a Progam Assistant at Cornell's CURIE Academy. I mentor and support 46 high school girls (8 individually) throughout a week as they explore the college experience and different fields of engineering.


I have been playing rugby since high school, and am now a part of the Cornell Women's Rugby team! Last year, we placed #6 nationally in our division.


I have always loved traveling with my family to different parts of the world. Here we are visiting the Bratislava Castle in Slovakia!

Contact Me

Please feel free to reach out!